Yes Yes..! I am back...Firstly i heartily welcome my new laptop aboard..:)I would also like to admit that i tried quite a times to put down the remaining part of the journey but couldn't...Each time i ended up with tears in my eyes and then couldn't take it forward. Last one try today...Hoping to get through...
All the formalities done, as I returned back home it rained…It rained heavily with lightning threatening to reach the ground. I was confused, still I enjoyed.The water splashed as I raised the accelerator to reach home quicker. Water tripping off my helmet, squeezing inside the jacket made me shiver. Never did i find drenching in rain so enjoiable. Motorcyclists stopped everyever possible, but i had no intension of stopping. No sooner I realised tears had tripped off my eyes without my consciousness. This was the best ride ever I took in my city.
Evening: My room is all set. All thanks to the packing of mom and helping of bhai for arranging things, my room is all lit up, charming and lively. The photos of loved ones and the respective gifts have found the best places all around me. It shall always spread a smile on my face. We further purchased things needed from campus and my brother varied roles from a handsome brother to a dashing coolie. All praise for him from my roomie parents. He deserves much more than that. He’s my sweetheart. We roamed in the campus from one end to other in search of many things. People were flocking in groups trying to recognise persons in live after the facebook introduction. I didn’t care. All I knew was this was the only time I can spend with him. All others would be here for coming 2years but he..... Call it attitude or reserve nature I take my own time to mingle around. Socialising for the sake of it is not my funda.
Keep smiling and stay happy..:) :) :)
Continuing from where I left…..8th june'2011
All the formalities done, as I returned back home it rained…It rained heavily with lightning threatening to reach the ground. I was confused, still I enjoyed.The water splashed as I raised the accelerator to reach home quicker. Water tripping off my helmet, squeezing inside the jacket made me shiver. Never did i find drenching in rain so enjoiable. Motorcyclists stopped everyever possible, but i had no intension of stopping. No sooner I realised tears had tripped off my eyes without my consciousness. This was the best ride ever I took in my city.
At 8:15p.m we started off for the station. The luggage and the bogie location took lot of my precious time. I couldn’t make up my mind that I was leaving my city, parents, friends and much more when the train siren went off. Friends made it at the last moment. As I went ahead to climb the footer, I broke down. All the strong subterfuge took a back seat and I ran to my mom and hugged her tightly. For a moment second thoughts ran in mind. I didn’t want to leave her and my beautiful small world. The only comfort was that my dearest brother was still with me. He was accompanying me to the campus. Else I don’t know what would have i ended doing. I was crying like never before as I stood near the door and watched them disappear slowly on the crowded platform in the dark night. I preferred going to bed early for obvious reasons.
Magnetic is the simplest adjective I can use to describe the beauty of Nature which I saw on the way to Vasco. Although the train was running late, I didn’t mind as I was seeing heaven with my eyes for the first time. The long lushes of green grass, the big trees swaying in joy, the clouds kissing the hill top, the train rockling on the rail over the swirling rivers and lakes – I felt being in paradise. Couldn’t ask for a better beginning to this new journey. The sky and the Earth looked one. The train twisting and turning like a serpent, running through the big tunnels reached the destination. This was the journey of life time. As said Best things happen when least expected. So didn’t I for this.
10th June’ 2011 – Once again I was in the campus. I was here for the interview and today in capacity of a student of college. Didn’t think or didn’t want to………... One thing I love about this college is the location. It is located on a hill top and the monsoon here is crazy. Registration stuff went fine and the hostel allocation process was pathetic. Still I was lucky enough to get through my way to the room and roomie I preferred (with a few rude words to the management for the arrangement) whose windows open to the mesmerising Western Ghats. One can spend lifetime admiring the creation of Mother Nature.
Below are the few glimpses from the room window.
Below are the few glimpses from the room window.
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I love not man the less, but Nature more. |
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Great things are done when men and mountains meet |
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How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! |
Evening: My room is all set. All thanks to the packing of mom and helping of bhai for arranging things, my room is all lit up, charming and lively. The photos of loved ones and the respective gifts have found the best places all around me. It shall always spread a smile on my face. We further purchased things needed from campus and my brother varied roles from a handsome brother to a dashing coolie. All praise for him from my roomie parents. He deserves much more than that. He’s my sweetheart. We roamed in the campus from one end to other in search of many things. People were flocking in groups trying to recognise persons in live after the facebook introduction. I didn’t care. All I knew was this was the only time I can spend with him. All others would be here for coming 2years but he..... Call it attitude or reserve nature I take my own time to mingle around. Socialising for the sake of it is not my funda.
Things facing my bed side... |
My Cupboard..!All set... |
As the evening progressed it was time to bid adieu to him. I didn’t want to let him go. We had no farewell words to tell each other. Only the eyes connected the hearts. I broke in tears and hugged him for the last time as he progressed towards the car. He wiped off tears from my eyes and now i am wiping myself. Tears started rolling down from his eyes and he waved off for the one last time. I stood there to get last glimpse of him and the car went down the road. I felt a vaccum of lonliness around me. Back in the room, i cuddled up in the bed. I didn't realise when i fell asleep with tears in my eyes. Never did i feel so lonely throughout.
My brother & Me!!! |
MBA was the destination and so i have reached. Everytime i thought of future i found myself in a B-school and never did i think beyound that. Love u maa, dada and bhaiyya - for without your support the jounery couln't have this happy ending. I shall always remember the extra mile you have taken to send me away from you one time before marriage. Though the world have gone beyound this, I have personally come across or rather i am a part of the society which excuses itself with the reason of love and care for not sending their daughters/sisters for higher education but believes in the caste bound ritual of marrying early and sending forever. Love you all - Dad - for being my dream dad, Maa - For being my lovable 'seems' and Bhaiyya - for being my super hero.
As i look upon i feel the charm is lost in my life. Reason being the fact that the journey that started a year back, to be precise two year back have come to an end. MBA meant the destination for me. As as i landed up here, i realised its only a start of jouney. Probably this was one of the major milestones. Time being i am being racked off with the hectic schedule of 8:30am - 5:45pm. Lot of other meaningful learning taking place. All for good. I shall share those learnings very soon.
Signing off blog dosts...Finally i am able to finish in the 4th attempt. Thanku my lappie for providing the courage. Btw, blogdosts i would love to get suggesstions from you all to name my laptop.