
Monday, 24 September 2012

What you should know about me?

Reading an article in Times life dated Sept, 9th 2012 I thought this should be shared with you all. I request all my readers to give this article a thought and do share in form of comments what you all feel.

We all live in the fear of world laughing at us. In German, the word is “schadenfreude” meaning “the pleasure one derives from misfortune of others”. We mistake it to be our good soul’s empathy which is in reality the pleasure. When one slips in a mall it is not the physical fall that hurts us. It is rather the amusing stares people give to you that make us lose our self-control.

There are many feelings and emotions we want others to feel about us but amusement at our expense is certainly not on the list. The opposite of “schadenfreude” is the Buddhist concept of “mudita” meaning “Happiness in the fortune of others”.

If we look back even as kids we tried to manipulate the way world looked at us. As simple as crying aloud with no tears in eyes meant our wishes to be fulfilled: P Well such is the significance attached to it.

Now coming to the centre stage. Each one of us desire and want others to feel and know certain things about us. Talking about me I would want people to know and consider that I am a Frank person. Do not expect me to be one of those wonderful actors who can pretend to be happy when they are not or find the conversation amusing when it is not really. My expression says it on the face that “Dude! Your company is boring” or “you do not know your subject. Don’t try to fool around!” Although these days I am trying to avoid being so explicit because soon it’s going to be the management world I’ll be stepping into.

Secondly, I am the weirdest creature who is lost between practicality and emotions J Clearly I do not like interference in my personal life from people who are “nothing more than strangers”. Let’s talk business and end it there. At the same time I want my close ones to understand that I am not devoid of emotions. Honestly I am much more emotional than people around me expect from me.

Next I hate gossips. I do not want people to talk at my back of something which is not true. So I do not like doing the same with others. I have enough in my life to keep me engaged. So please do not expect me to smile back at you and update you with 10other stories.

Lastly I cannot stay long without spending time alone. Some people prefer retrospecting while talking to others.  Some want to do it alone. I fall in the latter category.  This brings to the surface the fact that I keep certain things only to myself. I cannot share it with the closest person also. So far people close to me have respected and accepted that and I owe a “thank you” to them. Well who they are, they know it!

So dear blog friends, what is on your list that people around should know, take care of and accept??? In every individual’s book there are a few things that cannot be stated to people around every time but you want them to consider. 

Friday, 21 September 2012

The burden on eyes!

They here always refer to "eyes". It is an attempt to explain the pain eyes have to go through as it is the true mirror of the heart. 

When eyes speak...

The eyes that always longed to meet another,
Now escapes the sight with fear.
They are never free from the guilt,
Of having ruined the relationship long built.
They always knew they can never become the one you desire for,
Then why did it tread long enough on the path before looking backward???
Whenever they are closed to get some sleep,
Tears flow down without notice.
They want to talk and sort things out,
But the mind says it is not the right time to settle things down.
They always believed in the silent magic of lord,
And still believe all the souls will rest in peace when the final call is announced loud!!!

No words can convey what eyes can...

Friday, 14 September 2012

Ala Ala matwaala 'Barfiii'

This is a quick update of my excitement this morning. It no less a Friday than "my own movie release". I have been going gaga over trailers of 'Barfi' and waited eagerly to watch the movie with a person whom i called "Third most handsome" after Akshay Kumar and Rabir Kapoor. 

As I lifted my cup of milk and opened newspaper to read some serious news my eyes caught the section of newspaper "Review". I put my mug down, rolled over the sofa seeing rating of "4.5 by TOI". And started humming "ala ala matwaala barfi" as I read through the review. With each line of appreciation for Ranbir it felt my success. That's the effect of My Recent Love as already shared.

(ref post:

Sharing with you all The Times of India Review details:

The most engaging comment which shall make each one of us watch the movie is :

"The biggest human disability is we can't find happiness. So go indulge in 'Barfi'! It'll leave you 'happy high'! - Times of India.

Although each day at home had and will have its own touch of fun, excitement, love and pampering. Tomorrow shall see the peak of it when I will watch the movie in the most lovable company. 

Keep spreading smiles :) And stay Happy! Get back to you all soon.

P.S: I have my graduation convocation due tomorrow after 2.5 years. Had it been more 6months i would have completed my PG. Better late than never :-)


Thursday, 6 September 2012

Packing bags home with a sigh of relief!!!

 Hey der! I am doing just ok. Hope you all are rocking! So here I am having packed my bags for home finally after 2.5 months. Yes it’s the first time I have been on campus at a stretch for so long. And quite a few first timers happened this semester and more to come in my chutti.

As I look back upon this term it is a proper blend of contrast between mind and heart’s desires :-) I did everything what according to my mind was correct and ideal. On the way I betrayed my heart (it has betrayed me on lot of occasions!!!). But it was all good for the first time to see sensible side of myself. Although people around felt I have changed a lot, I feel the change is for good.

Yay!!! I have been waiting and on occasions resisting the feeling of leaving everything right here and running back home. I am longing for the moment when Maa shall open the door and embrace me. I am waiting for that peaceful moment as it has been long since I have rested in peace. And yes ofcourse I have one crackling week ready for my brother. Once again he shall find his life running because of me. I have planned half way through and I know he’s already dreading my visit.

 I am going to travel by train for the first time from Goa to Hyderabad. Plus I am travelling first time in 2 tier A/C. While booking the tickets I gave this rational to myself that you need to keep bringing change in your life to keep it away from boredom. And it has worked. I am excited like a small kid and looking forward to the luxury of home in train with pillow, bed sheet, charging point. I have planned to pamper myself sitting against the window watching movies back to back and listening to songs!

P.S: I intend to experience hangover in train.