
Thursday, 31 January 2013

~~Moments Worth Living For~~

Hellooo blogdosts!  It’s been almost 2 months since I logged on to this place. No, not that I am doing something important! Never mind! So how have you all been..?

I have been waiting for that indomitable urge to take out my laptop and pen down my thoughts. Because that is what blogging has always meant to me. And yes it was back just 2 days back and at no other time than when I was leaving my city!

It was just another time of travelling back from home to campus. It’s the irony of time that makes you blend into everything. Now even my travel’s busboy recognises me [because of my geeky specs]. So you can guess on the frequency of my travel.

Miles Unlimited!

In these two years, the time I felt most independent was while travelling. And I traveled alone a lot. So much so that it seems a restriction if I am questioned on – “……But how will you travel alone?” It has its own charm and charisma. And if I have gained any deeper awareness of myself then it is my love for travelling. I have decided to keep travelling to places and not settle in one single city. The feeling of being new to a place, the fear of getting lost, the slow interaction between you and the city to the time that your eyes become moist when you leave the place. I love this experience.

Little Moments!

So what was special about this departure? It was supposed to be my last travel from home to campus [Goa]. At all times [for which the count goes to 13 travel trips=26 bus journeys in 17 months] I always had my Big B[bro] to drop me and keep waving ‘bye-bye’ till I could see him. This time it was different. He couldn’t stay back at home due to office reasons. And here I was sitting in my pick up bus, ear phones plugged in with a gloomy face watching other passengers waving goodbye. The main bus is to be boarded at a distance of 35kms from the pickup point.

Sitting in an A/C bus, watching outside the window, I was lost in the music. In a matter of time the bright sun was taken in by the dark clouds. Hot wind turned into a pleasant breeze and I could suddenly feel the happiness in the environment around me. Tip went down the first drop against my window. And soon enough it started raining. I love rains. And however bad mood I may be in, a shower from clouds, can make up my mood. I quickly tuned the music to accompany my mood with rain. Motor cyclists started to speed up, road-side vendors began covering their material. But no one seemed complaining. Or rather I wasn’t so I found no one. I was mesmerized at God’s way of cheering me up with a message. When I first time travelled from home to Goa, it was the monsoon time. And the city shed tears as much as I did on my departure. Probably this would be my last travel and association as a student with Goa. And with this unexpected and inexpressibly touching moment, I relaxed back in my chair saying – “Dream Journey has come a full circle”!  

Wait! This was not the end of it. I reached the main boarding area and was sitting in the waiting lounge awaiting the announcement. As I heard the details of bus, I looked up the stairs from the room. To my eyes it can be the best moment worth keeping as a memory. Yes! He made it this one last time too! All I could do was pick up my bags smiling, rush to him and give a hug! Yet one more time he was standing there waving “bye-bye” with a smile on lips and sadness in eyes. 


  1. A surprise visit, rains, joy... everything seems so perfect... I wish you will keep on living such moments...
    All the best for you last days... and best of luck to find a new home... :-)

    1. I have been caught with too many anonymous readers now..! But its always a pleasure..:) Thanks for the hearty wishes...

  2. You got one awesome bro! heard about him so many times here. if i were be the same to my sis, they'd go crazy out of happiness :P the goa stint is coming to an end soon...there will be no more susegaad for you now :( well....such is life! one must move on with it! :) :)

    and yeah! to your surprise, am in your city these days and yess! i also enjoyed the unexpected showers while driving across the lengths of necklace road and mehndipattnam :)

    1. and yes! welcome back to blogworld...ur blogs were missed

    2. Hello der...As a blogger, to know that your readers have been waiting for you to write, is the biggest encouragement. And all of your quick responses is a testimony to that. Thanks for being der always..:)

      To the comment: You can try mr. anonymous, just to see their crazy side :)And yes the Goa journey is slowly coming to an end. In your shoes now :)Oho! That's nice to know that YOU were in MY city...hehe...May be we can catch up the next time you're there...

      Keep reading ~~Cheers~~

  3. Nice to see you back with a brilliant post... Touching, philosophical, interesting...
    It seems you have kept the count... and you should also include some flying and train journeys... specially 1st flight @Rs. 999 i.e. less than your bus fare...
    I would also like to remind you your fears of bus journey and stupid logic that 'if travelling in seating bus makes me dizzy, how do you expect me to travel by sleeper? :p'... I won't share much details about it now...
    Wish to see you more often on this page...

  4. No better day to visit this page :) and to acknowledge and thank you for this dedication post(almost)
    I have no words to express how i am deeply thankful to you for the importance you have constantly bestowed upon me, in your life .... :)))

    In Corporate, they say it's not good to be irreplaceable because if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted :))
    But with you, i think you are truly an irreplacable person in my life and would forever be !!
    Nothing more to say .. you already know that i always fall short of words and expressions when it comes to expressing my love for you .. So excuse me for one more time :)

    @Other Readers -
    Sorry... you may feel like i've poured my heart out rather publicly while i could have done it personally one on one ... but sometimes in life you don't think what's appropriate/unappropriate .. you just do it ! i'm sure you too would have witnessed such situations in life :)

    Regarding this post - look forward to my next post .. it will be my side of ~~Moments Worth Living For~~ :)


    1. You made my day buddy with this comment..:) Thanks for the occasional pouring of heart..:P Waiting for your version...~~Cheers~~

  5. You are truly a God's child :)
    Beautiful blog, loved reading them after such long time.. its always a very nice feeling to read them n see u write that way :)
    when i reached the last para n started reading 'Wait! This was not the end....' my eyes went down straight to read the last lines.. like it happens while reading a novel (you start reading, but out of curiosity to know the end, you read the last chapter first :P) that ws the level of my curiosity :) bhaiya is damn cute n sweet :) touch wood to ur bond :)

    1. Smiling to the last line..:)I am sure bhaiyya must also be doing the same when he reads...
      And so glad to have you read my blog..:)And loved your curiosity(which made me feel like i am a good writer..:P)

  6. .com you rock as always....loved the way you have mentioned about each moment, I actually could picturize the whole scene as I was reading.

    Bhai is just so awesome, you truly are luck to have each other. I cherish your relation and love the way he does things for you. :)

    This might be the last trip to Goa, but as you mentioned keep travelling alone, it is one of my imminent plans too.

  7. @Jinal & Disha - Thanksss for what i honestly consider as an exaggerated compliment :) You both feel that way because you have known me for many years and komal has shown you only the good things in me :P :) but yes thankss.. afterall who does not like good words :))
    Infact, I think sometimes we all were there together to give her a good send-off, so i think Komal is enjoying the best of both worlds ..
    @Komal- it's thanks giving time for you ;)



Dear Reader - Your time to write a comment means a lot of encouragement and smiles.